UTS Dinner Dance and Ukrainian of the Year Presentation
The Ukrainian Technological Society of Pittsburgh will present to area Ukrainian pastors, deacons, and religious sisters a collective Ukrainian of the Year Award at its Dinner Dance on November 5, 2022 at The Club at Nevillewood, Presto, PA, in recognition of their rallying of the Ukrainian Community in efforts to help with aid to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine during the present Russian Federation invasion.
Additionally, the Friends of Ukraine Award (presented to non-Ukrainians who help Ukraine) will be presented to Allen and Anita Sherwood for their efforts to save Ukrainian orphans.
Watch https://www.utspgh.org and https://www.pittsburghukrainians.com for additional information. If you would like to attend this event, please send your name and address now to utspgh@gmail.com in order to receive an invitation in early October, 2022.